I really wanted to go to this conference. So I formed a plan. Here’s what happened when my plan hit the fan.

Writing, Motherhood & Learning to Let Go
I must admit, my emotions have been a little crazy since my middle daughter graduated from high school last weekend. Yep. Unbelievable. It feels like we just sent my first daughter off to college and now--here we go again--learning to let go of daughter...
Do it Afraid
I wiped my sweaty palms against my khakis and glanced at the dashboard clock: 7:58 AM. Across the parking lot, a young woman carried an armful of books and headed toward the front doors. Should I go in? Registration began at 8:00, but the first speaker didn’t start...
A Novel Idea
I’ve always been a little envious of my fiction-writing friends. They can twist and turn their stories in whatever direction their imaginations take them. If the plot seems boring, they can change it. If a character is annoying, they can kill him. Meanwhile, I am...
The Little Writer that Could
Today my mind is swirling in fifty different directions. It’s a feeling I’ve experienced many times before. It happens every time I write a story. It’s my least favorite part of writing: starting. Writing doesn’t often come easily for me. I hate staring at a blank...
Santa Fe in May
It was a great opportunity. I’d won a spot in Guideposts Magazine’s Refresher Workshop and I was super excited. But I’ll be honest. I was also nervous. First of all, I’m not fond of flying – especially by myself. Second, the thought of a room full of editors and...
Adventures in Ghostwriting
One of the coolest things about being a ghostwriter (besides getting to use the word ghost) is having the opportunity to tell someone else's story. Many of the stories I write for Guideposts are ghostwritten. This means my name isn't listed as the author. But I'm okay...
For the Love of the Game
Welcome to week ONE of my summertime blogging format! In case you didn't hear, I'm focusing more on my family (and a tad less on my blog) until the end of August. I'll still meet you here every Tuesday, but things might look a little different. Thanks for stopping...
A Gift for Me?
My kids took such pleasure in making fun of me. They were sure I was the last person on earth (besides Grandma and Grandpa) who didn’t have a smart phone. Honestly, I didn’t care. My beat-up old phone met my needs. I could make phone calls. I could send texts. I could...
Just a Little Further Down the Road
In four short months my youngest will be heading into unknown territory. Her sisters have been there. It’s a mysterious place with lots of drama and awkward voice cracking around every corner. Some say it’s an orthodontist’s paradise. Yep. I’m talking junior high,...

An Eye-Opening Experience
I stared at the display of eyeglass frames when a saleslady strolled over to me. “Can I help you find something?” “No thank you. I’m just looking.” I kept my tone light, hoping the lady would take the hint and give me some space. She didn’t. “What kind of frames are...
That Time I Fell into Another Man’s Arms
It was the perfect day for our local high school’s state softball tournament. My husband and I sat near the top of the stadium and cheered on the girls. Of course, just as the game got particularly exciting, nature called. I whispered to Curt. “I’ll be right back. I...
To Infinity and Beyond
Her bedroom was empty and the U-Haul was full. If it wasn’t for my middle daughter being so excited to move into her very first apartment, I would’ve been a mess. But she was ready, and I couldn’t have been prouder. “Well,” I said, glancing around the kitchen for an...